Monday, April 12, 2010

Leadership through Service

Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. St.Mark

The recent war of words between Wall Street and the US political directorate is interesting. Apparently many of the Wall Street institutions have used the “bailout” funds to play the trading floor and make considerable profits in the 3rd Quarter 2009. This despite the fact that lending to small businesses remain tight and unemployment continues to rise. If the political directorate is right (and naive) the hoped for usage of the funds for the betterment of Main Street has not come about. Instead it has been used for self interest of the few.

This leads us back to St Mark’s quotation of Jesus Christ. Unless as a people and as businesses we strive to serve the  many instead of the few we will all be faced with contraction instead of expansion.

As business people our effort should be for the betterment of the many, for both employees and customers. How can we strive in each of our business to serve the bottom of the pyramid? Can we use modern day technology to make our products and services more available for the many?

I suggest we all re-look at our value chain, in particular the distribution end and at our product portfolio to see if we can serve the many instead of the few.

If you are interested in growing your business through Leadership in Customer Service send me an email at and I'll be happy to visit you and chat on the possibilities.

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