It was indeed a pleasure attending the Al Ries and Laura Ries Marketing Workshop for the C L Financial Group, thanks to Kiran Maharaj of C L Communications. The workshop was another big success, following on from their Kotler workshop. All congrats to them for making available to us in TT the premier Marketing thinkers in the world. Keep up the good work guys/gals as we eagerly anticipate another interesting workshop.
Al Ries was truly great and as controversial as his books. He poured scorn on a number of International Marketing Strategies and gave local practitioners hope of going up against the giants.

He and his daughter Laura, dealt with their new book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, I particularly liked his concepts on the Law of Pubilicity and the Law of Divergence (dealt with in my newsletter available on
www.coachbengo.com ).
The challenge of these Marketing Gurus is for us to truly attempt to build regional and global brands. I hope it will stimulate a few of our local companies to take up the challenge instead of being content with just dominating the local market. I am always available to help.
Coach Bengo
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