Saturday, October 21, 2006

Caribbean Business Opportunities

I have just returned from 2 weeks in Guyana and Jamaica not holidaying but doing business. These two islands have a combined polulation of over 3 million, in fact the English speaking Caribbean hosts a population of 6 million with over 2 million tourists a year.

The population is very much part of the world economy with demand for most modern day consumer products. The governments are stable and democratic pursuing capitlism policies. The problem is there are not enough private business investments to lift the economies to developed status.

Both Jamaica and Guyana have been experiencing stagnant economic growth over the past 5 years. One businessman in Jamaica told me that there have not been any real new private investment for the past 15 years.

I believe the solution is the SME sector (small and medium size enterprises (usually family based). There are considerable opportunities for entrepreneurs in this sector who are willing to think out of the box.

Our business Sandee Communications Ltd. offers services in assisting in the setting up and growing such businesses. We are hosting two upcoming seminars Oct 23 rd Trinidad and Nov 9 in Aruba interested parties can contact us at

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